Monday, September 28, 2020

Arjun Tree -The cardio protector..

Arjuna( Arjuntree) is a potential cardioprotective plant belonging to the Combretaceae family. It is an ayurvedic remedy that has been mentioned in many ancient Indian medicinal texts including Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Astang Hridayam.

Main varieties.

Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna – white variety ,common variety.
Kakubha – Terminalia alata (Terminalia tomentosa) -black variety.

Arjuna is widely used for treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including heart diseases and related chest pain,  and high cholesterol. Arjuna tree also has strong anti-hypertensive property and helps reduce high blood pressure.The effectiveness of Terminalia arjuna as an anti-ischemic agent and as a potent antioxidant in preventing LDL formation, ischemic injury to the heart and its potential to reduce atherogenic lipid levels have been sufficiently demonstrated in different experimental and clinical studies.It is also used for earaches and diseases of the urinary tract.

Ayurvedic medicinal properties

  • Rasa (Taste) – Kashaya (astringent)

Because of its astringent properties, it is also used as Stambhana, useful in bleeding disorders and menorrhagia. It heals fracture and wounds quickly, pus in urine, UTI and dysentery.  It is used as an ingredient in tooth powder sand also helps to treat bleeding gums.

  • Guna (qualities) – Rooksha (dryness),  Laghu (lightness)
  • Vipaka- Katu – Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion.
  • Veerya or potency – Sheeta – cold potency
  • Effect on Tridosha – Balances Kapha Pitta Dosha
  • Special property: Hridya- cardiotonic.

Chemical Constituents

Saponins (arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, arjungenin and arjunic acid), flavonoids, gallic acid, ellagic acid and phytosterols.

The scientific basis for the use of arjunolic acid as cardiotonic in Ayurvedic medicine is proven by its vibrant functions such as prevention of myocardial necrosis, platelet aggregation and coagulation and lowering of blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels. 

Antioxidant property of Tannins and glycosides present in Arjuna bark  protects the heart muscles and blood vessels against damage caused by free radicals. 
Co-Q10, an important coenzyme for heart muscles, is abundantly found in Arjuna tree bark. Co-Q10 has been shown to help improve heart health and blood sugar regulation, assist in the prevention and treatment of cancer and reduce the frequency of migraines. It could also reduce the oxidative damage that leads to muscle fatigue, skin damage and brain and lung diseases.

Arjuna is beneficial in the management of chest pain (angina). Studies suggest that the bark of Arjuna shows a significant reduction in chest pain by lowering the level of cortisol i.e., the stress hormone. Arjuna also increases exercise tolerance, improves HDL levels and reduces blood pressure in people with stable angina.Arjuna has antibacterial property and helps in the management of urinary tract infection.

Part used, dosage
  • Part used-bark
  • Dosage- Powder 3-6 g.

Ayurvedic Formulations containing Arjuna
  • Parthadyarishta
  • Arjuna ghrita
  • Arjuna Ksheera pak. etc..
1. Arjuna Milk Decoction

The therapeutic potential of T. arjuna is well defined in the traditional literature and also validated as an adjunct therapy to prevent coronary artery disorder via its anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective effects.

Milk is taken in a quantity of 8 times that of the medicine and water should be 4 times that of milk. (Med: Milk:water=1:8:32) .

All are mixed together and heated on mild fire until all the water evaporates and only the milk remains. By this time the active principles of the drug would have come to the milk. This helps to treat Pitta Hridroga esp. along with other medications as prescribed bythe doctor. 

Reference: Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Chapter 33, HRIDAY ROGA CHIKITSA, Verse 11

2. Arjuna tea

The concept of Arjun tea is based on Arjun Ksheera pak. This helps to prevent many heart ailments. Here the medicine can be taken in 1 to 3 gm, 1 glass milk and  1 glass water quantity, reducing it into 1 glass milk. 1 to 3 gm Cinnamon powder , 1 to 3 gm cardomom powder is also added . Jaggery or honey(should be added to luke warm tea)  can be used as per taste.

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